Diego López de Lera
Associate Professor
Diego López de Lera’s main areas of research are dynamics of population growth (demography); international migration flows, especially between America and Europe; and the status of foreign populations in host countries.
In recent years, he has completed several studies and publications relating to these topics, exploring new emigration from Spain, returns of migrants from Spain and the influence of foreign immigration on demographic dynamics in the territorial regions.
Diego has participated in 13 research projects and is currently involved in two projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: ‘New Emigration from Spain: Profiles, Mobility Strategies and Transnational Political Activism’ and ‘Gender, Intersecting Mobilities and Transnational Dynamics’.
His publications include:
‘La emigración española en tiempos de crisis (2008-2017): análisis comparado de los flujos a América Latina y Europa’ (2018. Notas de Población. 107, CELADE-CEPAL-N.U; Santiago de Chile); ‘Nuevas tendencias de la migración internacional en España’ (2017. Aspectos económicos y sociales de la migración en México y América Latina, Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Mexico).
‘Panorama de la migración internacional en España’, in España 2015. Situación social, Ed. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas – 2015, Madrid – Spain;
‘El impacto de la inmigración extranjera en las regiones españolas’ in Análisis territorial de la demografía española. 2006. Ed. Fundación Fernando Abril Martorell – 2006, Madrid – Spain.