Transnational Families in Europe research project: Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing

Towards a gender-sensitive curriculum in initial teacher education (SIMONE)

RIDERS. Emerging Cultures of Mobile Precarity in the Digital Gig Economy: A Case Study About the Food Delivery-Sector in Spain.

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership (KA220-HED) by the European Commission

“Money in transformation: monetary attitudes, behaviors and processes of financial exclusion.”

Project to improve the equitable access of women and youth to economic resources in southern Honduras. Phase 2

Historical Insights to address Current Challenges to the EU’s Free Movement of Persons as a Fundamental Right (FUNDEU)

GENPOL – “Gender gaps in political participation: age, work-family balance and local and national level”.

WelcomingSpaces- Investing in ‘Welcoming Spaces’ in Europe: revitalizing shrinking areas by hosting non-EU migrants.

Europeans’ Understanding and Evaluations of Democracy

SENSGENPOL – SENSitivity in GENder POLitics

INCASI2. A New Measure of Socioeconomic Inequalities for International Comparison

Rediscovering Empowering Historical Legacies on the EU’s Free Movement of Persons (FREEMOVEU).

Call for proposals of the Program of consolidation and structuring of competitive research units, in competitive competition. Call year 2022.

Intersecting crises post-2020 and impact on intra-EU (im)mobilities: Spanish transmigrants’ labor and family strategies (CrisisNewEUmob).

    • Project Entity: Global Young Academy (GYA)
    • Duration: 01/06/2021 – 01/06/2023
    • Amount: 21,500 euros
    • Applicant’s contribution: Key scientific staff
    • ESOMI researcher: Cristina Blanco Sío-López rfVJSv4mhWQvrCLMWY6-gLJ8NrGz1uAqHInXXWYPdVYug_zI

    • Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation
    • Participating entities: Universities Duration: 01/01/2020 -31/12/2021
    • Principal Investigator: Ana López Sala (SCIS/Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography) Grant amount: 10,000 euros
    • Participating ESOMI researcher: Keina Espiñeira.
    • Reference: PID2019-106273RB.
    • Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Financing: 49,923 €.
    • Duration: 01/06/2020-01/06/2023.
    • Principal Investigators: Carlos Maixé Altés and Matilde Massó.
    • Funding Agency: European Union – Horizon 2020 – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE).
    • Duration: 48 months.
    • Participation type: the Universidade da Coruña was a partner and Laura Oso was the person responsible at the Universidade da Coruña. The main coordinator was the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). The person responsible was Pedro López-Roldán.

    ESOMI Researchers:

    – Laura Oso Casas

    – Paula Alonso Pardo

    – Belén Fernández Suárez

    – Montserrat Golías Pérez

    – Antía Pérez Caramés

    – Obdulia Taboadela

    Total Partner Universities: 19 European and Latin American Universities.

    The INCASI network project was part of European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the Excellent Sciences section, designed to improve and consolidate the European Research Area.

    The objective of the INCASI network was to establish the conceptual and methodological basis to develop a longer-term international comparative research program and an international postgraduate study program to analyse social inequalities from a comparative perspective.

    The objective of INCASI was to create and consolidate a postgraduate research and training network between Europe and Latin America to analyse social inequality from a comparative perspective and to identify reflections, social innovations and recommendations for social policy development.

    The project allowed for predoctoral and postdoctoral staff mobility with the objective of creating a consortium of research centres and universities. Initially, the network consisted of 10 European universities and 9 Latin American universities, with over 130 researchers and was led by the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona through the Labour Studies Institute (IET), the project’s headquarters, and the Education and Labour Research Group (GRET).

    In particular, the project Global Trends in Social Inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational and educational trajectories research to face uncertainty had 8 main objectives:

    To develop a general cooperation framework to create and consolidate a research and training network across research centres in European and Latin American Universities.

    To analyse the trajectories that citizens have followed in the labour market, identifying their outcomes in terms of mobility and social inequality. With this knowledge, the objective is to develop a model that explains and compares these trajectories in Latin America and in Europe.

    To identify and understand the different strategies developed and how resources and capacities are mobilised to identify, classify and compare the social behavioural patterns adopted to face the uncertainties of each region.

    To specifically study these trajectories and strategies through the analysis of the relationship between work, training and employment and their connection with the citizen’s life trajectories, including the productive and reproductive spheres.

    To examine the social policies that have tried do address inequality in different fields, focusing on the participating countries and more generally on the comparative context of Europe and Latin America.

    To develop macro and micro analysis models and comparative methodologies adopting dynamic and longitudinal perspectives. A mixed method approach will be used, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques.

    To draw practical conclusions that should support the design of innovative public policies against social inequality, in particular employment and education.

    To project the INCASI network by establishing the conceptual and methodological basis to develop a longer-term international comparative research program and an international postgraduate study program to analyse social inequalities from a comparative perspective.

    Website project

    • Principal Investigator: Dolors Comas-d’Argemir
    • Funding: €99,542
    • Coordinating University: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    • Principal Investigator at UDC: Raquel Martínez Buján
    • Dates: 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021
    • Funding Agency: Fondo Supera COVID-19 Santander-CRUE-Universidades Españolas.
    • Partner Universities: Universitat de Valencia, Euskal Herriko Universitatea, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidade da Coruña, Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Universidad de Murcia and Universidad de Zaragoza


    The health emergency caused by COVID-19 has shown how fragile the social organisation of care of the elderly and care-dependent individuals is, and the impact on female and male carers, both in the family (unpaid) and in the paid sector.

    Our research tries to focus on the impact of this crisis on the economic and working conditions of women and men who care for the elderly and dependent persons: family carers, care service workers, domestic and care workers. We focus on social care (vs health), where there is a large presence of women, many of whom suffer from the effects of the pandemic in unequal and precarious conditions. This sector has not been properly understood in the epidemiological analysis of the crisis, nor has it received appropriate political attention. As a feminised sector, all this has had led to an increase in gender inequality.

    This project tries to offer visibility to the social dynamics that have had an impact on the care of the elderly and dependent individuals; in particular, how the COVID-19 crisis has affected a highly feminised sector. The social sector of care was practically ignored during the coronavirus crisis until the dramatic situation of old people’s homes unfolded as a new crisis within the health emergency. Lack of attention to this field has had severe consequences for the elderly and dependent persons, and also for those who care for them (for their health, with unknown medium and long-term after-effects). All this might lead to a change in how care is organised that might have some impact on the institutions and services involved, on the ways of caring and on the economic and working conditions of carers.

    • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry for the Economy and Competition.
    • Duration: 2012-2015.
    • Principal Investigator: Raquel Martínez Buján

    This research project proposed a regional comparative analysis of the social organisation of care for the elderly.  The goal was to identify the patterns by which personal care is allocated to the state, the market and the family. The bases that were used to explain the increasing privatisation of care (the market as the main supplier of home care) or towards familism (the tendency of care work to be performed by close family members) were: the philosophy used to allocate social resources and benefits through the LAPAD, the Spanish Law to Promote Personal Autonomy and Care for Dependent People, and the existence of a care culture rooted in the family and mainly in women as the basic carers whose main option to obtain market value from this task is to engage in domestic work.

    Although the LAPAD works at state level, its management and implementation are in the hands of the regional and local governments: the provision of care depends on regional decisions and political priorities, which are in turn influenced by other additional environmental factors such as care culture, women’s access to the labour market and the expansion of the private market of personal care. This is a process in which the features of the migration model become especially important, as migrant women have been responsible for care work as domestic workers in recent years. The regional variables are so varied that each of them was included in the analysis; conducting regional comparisons has proven relevant.

    The three main objectives were: first, a classification of regions according to their care management model using three indicators: social service and range of benefits for long-term care, the development of the private market for home care and the intensity of family care. Second, to identify the diversity of care patterns present in the private market and to study the different paid labour modalities identifying the differential patterns of women’s access to the labour market depending on whether they are local or foreign. Third, considering the above-mentioned analyses, to evaluate the capacity of the regional markets to generate employment in the home care sector.

    The methodology used combined qualitative and quantitative approaches. In-depth interviews were conducted to identify family strategies in the provision of care; to understand the segmentation of labour in the private care market and to assess how resources under the LAPAD were publicly managed. Quantitative analyses used secondary data sources such as registers and surveys about the social and economic reality of the regions to cluster the different ways in which care was socially organised using statistical models. The same methods were used to quantify the growth in private employment in this sector.

    • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry for the Economy and Competition, Spanish Research, Development and Innovation for Society’s Challenges Programme, 2015 Call. Modality 1: “R+D+I Projects”.
    • Duration: 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2019
    • Coordinating Investigator: Laura Oso Casas.


    The general objective of this research project is to analyse “cross mobilities” in the framework of the current transnational dynamics and “superglobalisation”. In the context of the migratory cycle change that took place after the 2008 financial crisis, we will study the resilience strategies of families of foreign origin in Spain and the Spanish population currently migrating to Europe from a gender and intergenerational perspective. In order to study cross mobility we will focus on four axes: geographical and social mobility, the intersection between mobility and gender and generation, the articulation of mobility strategies of families of foreign origin and of Spanish origin, as well as the relationship between mobility and immobility strategies.

    Research Team:

    Concha Carrasco Carpio (Universidad Alcalá de Henares)

    Almudena Cortés Maisonave (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

    Montserrat Golías Pérez (Universidade da Coruña)

    Mercedes Jabardo Velázquez (Universidad Miguel Hernández)

    Irene Masdeu (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)

    Amelia Sáiz López (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)

    Ana Sánchez Bello (Universidade da Coruña)


    Working Group:

    Paula Alonso Pardo (Universidade da Coruña)

    Esther Cano Ruíz (Universidad de Salamanca)

    Belén García Cabeza (Universidade da Coruña)

    Natalia Ribas Mateos

    Laura Suárez Grimalt (Universidad de Barcelona)


  • Financing entity: Xeral Directorate of Foreign Affairs and EU, Xunta de Galicia
    Duration: 09/01/2021-11/30/2022
    Responsible researcher: Antía Pérez Caramés


    The project «Cape Verdean families in Galicia. Impact for the development of the transnationalization of care and remittances” aims to carry out research on the transfers of care and also remittances in Cape Verdean families that will later be applied to the production of awareness materials that make visible and value the role of migrant women in the survival and well-being on both sides of the migration stream. These audiovisual materials will focus on several representative cases of the four generations of Cape Verdean migrant women, both in Burela and on the island of origin, Santiago.

    The research that will support the audiovisual production addresses the migration and settlement process of the Cape Verdean community in Galicia, paying special attention to two elements: a) the establishment of global chains of care, which favor a transnational organization of care for both people who remain in origin (children, family members, people in a situation of dependency) and the families in the destination countries (the migrant families themselves, but also native families who hire migrant labor as domestic workers); and, b) remittances, both material (economic resources, goods…) and immaterial (care, values…) that circulate in that transnational space created by migrants. Specifically, the impact that these two elements, transnational organization of care and remittances, have on development will be analyzed.

    The approach to this theme will have a double longitudinal character, favored by the long history of installation that the Cape Verdean collective has in Galicia. The first wave of Cape Verdean immigrants in Galicia dates back to the 1970s, with a stable migrant community since 1978, currently very diversified with respect to the number of generations that comprise it and the types of family that constitute it. The flow has continued to this day, spanning just over four decades, which will allow us to analyze how the patterns of remittances and care have changed in the different generations of Cape Verdean migrants in Galicia, but also how these have been transformed. patterns over time and the life cycle of migrant families.

    On the other hand, the approach will combine the micro and meso levels of analysis, placing special emphasis on individual behaviors and transnational households and families in this regard, as well as on the impact of care and remittances that circulate in the transnational migration space for the well-being of these individuals and families. Remittances, understood in their most material dimension, that is, the flow of monetary resources, constitute one of the main economic resources of Cape Verde at a macro level, representing, according to the latest data available from the country’s Central Bank (2020), something more than 10% of GDP. But this isolated fact hardly explains how the migration process transforms the lives of families at origin, and also obscures the immaterial or social dimension of remittances, namely, the care, values, emotions and ideas that are also transmitted and circulate between the here and there of the migratory space woven between Cape Verde and Galicia.

    The relationship between migration and development constitutes a significant challenge in the fight against poverty and the international framework for development cooperation contemplates it. In fact, there is already a long history of academic inquiry into the migration-development nexus, but there are still some questions that this research aims to contribute to answering. The aforementioned link between immigration and development has a place in a new logic that tries to break the binary vision that until now focused on the relationship between a sending country and a receiving country, to talk about social spaces and transnational communities. That is, migrants are not seen as sedentary groups that develop static relationships only in the place where they live (the place of arrival). On the contrary, what we are witnessing is transnational action based on the plural links that migration gives rise to. Multiple and sustained opportunities for transnational action are created by the simultaneous interest of different actors enrolled in these transnational social fields, in which we must include not only the migrants themselves, but also the States, non-governmental entities and business corporations, which shape and enhance the permanent circulation of people, information, merchandise, symbols and capital.

    • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry for the Economy and Competition.
    • Duration: 2016-2018
    • Coordinating Investigator: Raquel Martínez Buján

    The goal of this project is to analyse the way care is organised and displayed at community level. The social organisation of care, i.e., the way care is allocated to different spheres in society (i.e., the State, the market, the family and the community) has become a prolific research area in the social sciences. However, despite widespread academic attention to the links between the state, the market and the family in providing welfare, community participation as a space where care practices are implemented is still a diffuse and vague space. In Spain there has been no comprehensive analytical approach so far to attest to its composition, emergence and deployment.

    This research project is mainly qualitative and tries to compare the situation of Spain, Ecuador and Argentina in order to foster a South-South comparative reflection. The comparison is relevant as it helps explore diverse structural contexts with diverging strategies and values regarding the organisation of the labour market, public policies, citizens action and the provision of care in the family. In Spain the study focuses on the new proposals developed as a reaction to a systemic crisis, with the economic crisis and the consolidation of austerity policies as their trigger. Ecuador and Argentina have a wider tradition of community exchange, but these practices are currently part of a controversial debate around the responsibility that the State needs to take and around public policies in the field of personal care.

    In this way, the project tries to widen the debate on how the municipalities and the community are being activated in these two regions. In order to do that, we explore experiences and actions of community-based care that review the ways in which societies put together the political criteria that organise social life and show how the relationship between care and community, while it can merge with institutional and business logics and the third sector, moves beyond their borders and generates new dynamics in the development of social life.

    A joint examination of the dynamics that make up this field of care work in Spain and Latin America leads to a creative dialogue in both geographical spaces, thus overcoming the limitations that public policies of care have in one or the other. Our goal is to respond to the following research questions: what does creating care from a collective and community perspective mean socially and politically? What can we learn from a comparison between both regions and how useful is this to implement public care initiatives? What models of care can be articulated to overcome the private/public, family/business/state, rural/urban divide? What debate lines can be addressed and discussed to achieve a “socialisation of care” that does not mean that the state abdicates its responsibility towards its citizens, nor the men towards their families?

    Keywords: care, community, gender, family, social policies, market.


    • Obdulia Taboadela Álvarez- Universidade da Coruña
    • Begoña Elizalde SanMiguel- Universidad Carlos III
    • Magdalena Díaz Gorfinkiel-Universidad Carlos III
    • Lucía Martínez Virto-Universidad Pública de Navarra
    • Jesús Sanz Abad-Universidad Complutense
    • Sara Moreno Colom- Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
    • Myriam Paredes- FLACSO-Ecuador
    • Cristina Vega Solís- FLACSO-Ecuador
    • Alba Artiaga Leiras- Universidad Complutense
    • Carolina Rosas-CONYCET Argentina
    • Sandra Gil Araujo- CONYCET Argentina
    • Website project
    • Funding Agency: Proyecto I+D+I Retos Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
    • Duración: 2020-2022

    The purpose of this project is the analysis of recent native Spanish emigration within the framework of studies on intra-European mobility, addressing three main aspects of the experience and the migration project: the motivation for departure, thus accounting for the heterogeneity of profiles among recent Spanish emigrants; the relationship between integration and return; and associations and transnational political activism. These three dimensions are studied by comparing two of the main destination countries in Europe: the United Kingdom and France, which provide differentiated contexts for integration, return and the development of migrant associations, and under an analytical prism crossed by the centrality of two variables. fundamental: gender and position in the life cycle. This analysis will include, first of all, a socio-structural approach to the motivations and profiles of native Spanish emigrants in the United Kingdom and France, their integration processes and the explanatory dimensions of return through sociodemographic contextualization, the development of a typology of emigrants focused on three case studies with groups of au-pairs, health sector professionals and researchers and scientific personnel, and the detailed analysis of the integration and return processes. Secondly, a sociopolitical approach to the phenomenon of recent native emigration will be carried out, focusing on policies aimed at Spanish communities abroad, particularly those of return, and on the transnational associative action of these communities.

    The methodological design articulates quantitative techniques, through a comparative sociodemographic analysis of the results of secondary data sources at origin and destination, with the development of a multi-sited ethnography through the technique of semi-structured interviews.

    Keywords: Spanish emigration, integration, return, migration policies, France, United Kingdom, intra-European mobility, emigrant associations

    Research team

    • Carmen Lamela Viera (Universidade da Coruña)
    • Renée DePalma Ungaro (Universidade da Coruña)
    • Natalia Rivas Quarnety (Universidade da Coruña)
    • Rosa María Verdugo Matés (University of Santiago de Compostela)
    • Jordi Giner Monfort (University of Valencia)
    • Anna Giulia Ingellis (University of Valencia)
    • Erika Masanet Ripoll (University of Valencia)
    • Alberto Capote Lama (University of Granada)
    • Almudena Cortés Maisonave (Complutense University of Madrid)
    • María del Mar Pastor Bravo (University of Murcia)
    • Work team
    • Carlos Diz Reboredo (Universidade da Coruña)
    • Inés Viana Moldes (Universidade da Coruña)
    • Iria Vázquez Silva (University of Vigo)
    • Clara Rubio Ros (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
    • Fernando Alberto Barbosa dos Santos Rodrigues (Complutense University of Madrid)
    • María José Fernández Vicente (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France)
    • Ana Irene Rovetta Cortés (CONACIT-National University of Jujuy, Argentina)
    • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry for the Economy and Competition.
    • Duration: 2017-2019
    • Coordinating Investigator: Antía Pérez Caramés.

    The goal of this project is to analyse recent migration processes from Spain to different European destinations in the framework of the migratory cycle change in our country. Our perspective considers the articulation of individual and family strategies and labour and educational trajectories to explain the individual migratory projects, while we explore how a transnational political community is created. This research considers a double comparative perspective: a) between two groups of migrants: Spanish locals and those people linked to immigration in Spain (both as actors, then remigrants; or their 1.5 and second generation descendants); and b) across three host countries: the United Kingdom, France and Germany, as the three main destinations for these new migrants in numerical terms. The analysis shall include a sociodemographic approach to the migration process in Spain; a socio-structural approach to the migrants’ trajectories, their migration strategies and social mobility aspirations, interlinked with the family and gender dimensions; and a study of the practices of transnational activism in this new Spanish migrant community. The methodology combines quantitative sociodemographic analysis by comparing the results of Spanish sources with those from the host countries; with qualitative analysis: multi-sited ethnography, participant observation, semi-structured interviews, focal group discussions and virtual ethnography.

    • Reference: ED431C 2018/25
    • Funding Agency: Galician Ministry of Education, Universities and Vocational Training, Xunta de Galicia
    • Duration:  1 January 2019 – 31 December 2021
    • Principal Investigator: Laura Oso Casas
    • Other Researchers in the Project: 15
  • Funding Agency: Galician Vice-presidency and the Galician Ministry for the President, Public Administration and Justice. Cooperación Galega.

    Duration: 2016-2017.

    Coordinating Investigator: Belén Fernández Suárez

    Th CEXEF, Centre for Gender and Feminist Studies of the Universidade da Coruña, in cooperation with ESF Engineers without Borders, developed this study funded by Cooperación Galega (Galician Development Aid Department).

    This was a pilot research on “Community and social participation of women in the management of common goods (water). Comparative study between Honduras and Galicia”.

    To conduct a pilot study on the role and social and community participation of women in the management of common resources such as water. This first study compared the realities of Honduran and Galician women in rural areas to assess their participation in the management and use of community resources through the water boards organised in specific areas. The power asymmetries that we can find in any society are transferred to the field of natural resource management.

    In order to determine what could influence the participation of women, we considered several factors such as: the role of women in different societies, the norms that rule membership in decision-making bodies in the community, social norms (gender segregation in the public space, gender division of labour and general behavioural norms), the social perceptions of men and women in a community regarding the capacity of women to contribute to the common good and to the public sphere, the level of control of community structures by men, sociodemographic features (age, social status, education) [Agarwal, 2001].  The work of Eloísa Piñeiro on the participation of women in the community management of Common Forests in Valadares (Vigo, Galicia, Spain) showed that, apart from being underrepresented in the structures, women’s presence was characterised by lack of power within them (Piñeiro, 2013).

    Our study explored this hypothesis and used qualitative methodologies. In order to do that, we conducted fieldwork around water management in rural communities in Galicia (mainly in the provinces of Pontevedra and Lugo), as well as in the municipalities of the NASMAR association in the Golf of Fonseca in Honduras. The research technique used was gathering information through qualitative semi-structured interviews with two types of profiles: a) key informants for relevant information regarding the situation of women and their participation in both areas (social agents, social and trade union leaders, women’s organisations, etc.) and women from those communities with different levels of participation in community organisations.  To develop this study, we contacted academic and social bodies working in the same field in Galicia and Honduras. Part of the pilot research objectives were to create transnational academic and social networks for future academic collaboration.

    Research Team:

    – Rosa Cobo Bedia

    – Antía Pérez Caramés

    –  Carmen Castro García

    – Francisco Javier Sánchez Lombardero

    – Andrea Souto García

    – Sandra López Pereiro

  • Funding Agency: Xunta de Galicia

    Duration: 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2017

    Principal Investigator: Laura Oso Casas

    Other Researchers in the Project: 15

  • Funding Agency: Directorate General of Foreign Relations and the EU, Xunta de Galicia.

    Duration: 2014 – 2015.

  • Funded by: Spanish Ministry for Employment and Social Security.

    Duration: 2012 – 2013.

    This report on the 2012 labour market and migration compared the most important labour variables of the migrant population living in Spain with the Spanish population. The data in this report refers to the years 2011 and 2012.

  • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry for the Economy and Competition.

    Duration: 2011 – 2014.

    The general objective of this research project was to study the transnational strategies and social mobility trajectories of migrant families in Spain. We studied how family strategies of social mobility are negotiated in the household by analysing the actions that individuals choose to implement to climb up the social ladder, as well as a set of personal and collective itineraries that they develop along the social hierarchy in the transnational social space. All this was analysed from an intergenerational and gender perspective. What is the impact of the transnational economic and social strategies of migrants on their social mobility trajectories? And on those of their children? What are the gender differences? Are there any transnational strategies that may mean social stagnations for some members of the household and social mobility opportunities for others?

    The hypothesis we explored was that households adopt social mobility strategies that include decisions relative to (financial, physical, human, social) capital investment that do not always mean progress or benefit for all members of the household alike. In fact, the efforts to pool certain types of (physical) capital may mean a drawback for other types of (human, social) capital and vice-versa. Besides, they do not lead to similar social mobility trajectories for all family members.

    The theoretical background to accomplish our objective was the existing literature on gender, migration and transnationalism, social mobility and second-generation studies. We applied comparative methodologies using data triangulation techniques (documental analysis, statistical source analysis, in-depth interviews and family life histories) and data analysis (multivariant quantitative analysis and categorical theme discourse analysis).

    The qualitative field work took place mainly in Madrid, Catalonia, Valencia and Galicia, although in-depth interviews and life history processes were conducted in some of the countries of origin (Ecuador, Morocco and Argentina/Brazil).

  • Funding Agency: Spanish Development Aid Agency (AECID).

    Duration: 2011 – 2013.

    The general objective of this project was to analyse and assess existing education policies and their impact on migrant children and youth from the Atlantic region and the interior Moroccan plains to Spain. Furthermore, the study included an analysis of the educational intervention strategies with migrant children of different Spanish regions: Andalucía, Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia.

    The results of this study aimed at reviewing the educational intervention strategies in both countries considering the specific regions in the study and the places of origin of the unaccompanied migrant minors (UMM) in each of the above-mentioned regions.

    Assessing these policies and their impact, both in migrants from Morocco, as well as in the subsequent internal migrations of minors within Spain, has helped shed more light on the problems of early migration that should allow for the development of guidelines for future cooperation projects between Morocco and Spain in the field of education.

    Likewise, the study also emphasized the need to evaluate and review the training and educational policies linked to repatriation and pushback policies.   All this from an integrated perspective that aimed at improving the situation of the most vulnerable children in Morocco and Spain.

  • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry for the Economy and Competition.

    Duration: 2011 – 2014.

    Provision 7 of Act 52/2007 (Memoria Histórica Act) refers to the children and grandchildren of Spanish migrants and Spaniards in exile. It offers them their nationality of origin without having to give up the previous one. Over 300,000 descendants of Spanish migrants have applied for Spanish nationality since the law was approved on 29 December 2008, and the final figures are expected to be around half a million in December 2011. This project investigated the reasons to apply for nationality and the migratory or sedentary plans of the nationalised. Its goal was to identify the conditions and factors that affect the applicant’s decision and to reconstruct the logic that guides them and the reasons behind their actions. Age, gender and country of origin lead to different expectations regarding this migratory opportunity that translates into different life strategies. The migratory opportunity is not restricted to Spain, as it includes the whole EU.

    The five research objectives are: to describe the sociodemographic profile of the children and grandchildren and the traces that distinguish each of the three types of applicants (economic migration, political exile and recovery of identity or change of nationality of choice for that of origin) that correspond to Annex I, II and II of the application form; to quantify the prevalence of the three types of options in terms of their migratory and sedentary potential according to generation, gender and country of birth; to establish the connections and discrepancies between the type of application and the underlying cause for migration of their ancestors and the conditions and factors explaining the asymmetries and coincidences; to verify the gender differences in the motivation of the application and the decision to migrate or remain in the country of origin (this hypothesis was supported by the clash between the possibilities that migration gave the applicant’s grandmothers in terms of gender equality and the legal discrimination of the grandmothers in the LMH Law); to identify the differences between Spaniards produced by the LMH and their migratory and voting behaviour and that of their ancestors; to show how European citizenship and the modification of the Electoral Act affects their decisions.

    These tasks were performed using two types of primary information sources (survey) for objectives 1 and 2 and in-depth interviews and focus group discussions for tasks 3, 4 and 5. They were later cross-checked with the information supplied by three secondary sources (MAEX, CERA and PERE management files).

  • Funded by: Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation.

    Period: 2010 – 2011.

    The global objective of this project was to analyse the features of voluntary returned migration processes of foreign immigrants in Spain. The research methodology combined accessing statistical sources and ethnographic field work. We analysed the situation of migrants in Spain who were considering returning to their countries of origin and migrants who had already returned to their countries.

    The study was conducted in the most relevant origin/destination of migratory flows in Spain in the last decade. We selected the provinces where the largest communities of foreign migrants lived, as well as the nationalities with more weight in terms of the migratory intensity reached. These regions and countries in Spain are Catalonia, Madrid and Valencia; the nationalities and countries chosen are Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia in America, Morocco in Africa and Romania in Europe.

    Apart from the large numbers, these countries’ cultural diversity was an added element of interest (similarities/differences in language, religion, political regime) and the different legal status that Latin American migrants have in Spain and that of those coming from the new EU countries.

    In a first phase, interviews were conducted in the provinces of Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. The second phase took place in the five countries of origin of recent immigrants in Spain, as already mentioned.

  • Funding Agency: Galician General Secretary for Equality.

    Duration: 2010 – 2011.

    An aging population, changes in the socio-professional experiences of women and a decrease in the social networks supporting care in the family all become challenges for social protection mechanisms. They also show how the delivery of personal care has changed in households to strive for a better work-life balance. After the approval of the Spanish Law to Promote Personal Autonomy and Care for Dependent People (Dependency Act), the institutional response to long-term care needs has mainly been transferring money to families. However, despite this development in social policies, the most usual option for families is hiring a domestic worker as carer, encouraged by the availability of funds. The presence of domestic workers modifies the organisation of care in the family, but it does not lead to a more gender and age balanced tasks allocation. The care sector within domestic work has become the most important market niche for foreigners after the increased arrival of the migrant population, especially undocumented women. Likewise, this often becomes the only option to privatise care in the family due to the low costs of this option when compared to other more professionalized choices (for example, private companies).

    The goal of this project was to analyse the repercussion of the new social protection measures within the scope of the Dependency Act, and how they are modifying the structure of care in families. In particular, this study analysed the new patterns of care introduced by this law (benefits and expansion of social services) and how they lead to modifications in the position of women within their family structure of care and how they result in the privatisation of domestic work.

  • Funding Agency: Spanish Development Aid Agency (AECID).

    Duration: 2008 – 2009.

  • Funding Agency: AECID. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Aid.

    Duration: 2008.

  • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.

    Duration: 2007 – 2010.

  • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.

    Duration: 2005 – 2007.

  • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.

    Duration: 2005 – 2007.

  • Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Tinker Foundation (EEUU), Fundación PME/Metropolis (The Foundation for Population, Migration and Environment -Zurich, Switzerland-) and the International Metropolis Project.

    Duration: 2005 – 2009.

  • Funded by: the European Social Fund (75%), Universidade da Coruña (25%).

    Duration: 2005 – 2007.