Antonio Alejo
Antonio Alejo is a collaborator of the Sociology of International Migration Research Group at the University of A Coruña and an associate researcher at the Instituto Galego de Análisis e Documentación Internacional (Spain). He currently researches urban diplomacy, cities and human mobility in Galicia. He holds a PhD (2011) in Contemporary Political Processes from the University of Santiago de Compostela and has completed postdoctoral fellowships at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISS-The Hague) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He researches global sociology, diplomatic transformations and human mobility beyond state and post-national perspectives. Dr. Alejo has written for journals in Spanish and English, as well as for single-authored books in Spanish. He has published in journals such as Migration Letters, Migraciones, Colombia Internacional, América Latina Policy, Politics and Policy Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, CIDOB d`Afers Internacionals, and Third World Quarterly.

Paula Alonso
Paula Alonso holds a PhD in Social and Behavioral Sciences from the University of A Coruña. With a degree in Sociology, she has specialized in international migrations by taking the “Official Master in International Migrations: research, migration policies and intercultural mediation”, at the University of A Coruña (UDC). Currently, she has a contract as Assistant Professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where she teaches at the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Social Work. Previously, she was a Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher at the University of La Laguna. Between 2015 and 2021 she performed tasks as Research Technician of the Societies in Movement Research Team (ESOMI) and as PDI at the Universidade da Coruña and Universidade de Vigo in subjects of the Department of Sociology.
Her lines of research focus on the use of educational and social time in migrant adolescents, educational strategies of migrant families, socialization processes of migrant minors and educational policy. Her doctoral thesis “Adolescencias migrantes a contracorriente: tiempos de vida y escuela en el alumnado de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria” obtained the qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude and International Mention. Her lines of research focus on the use of educational and social time in migrant adolescents, educational strategies of migrant families, socialization processes of migrant children and educational policy. She has been a researcher in training in the framework of the FPI program (Research Staff Training), in the research group Social Pedagogy and Environmental Education (SEPA) of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
In her research career she has been trained in 8 national and international centers such as: Institute for Social Science in the 21st century (ISS21), University of Cork (Ireland); Centro de Infancia y Mundo Urbano (CIIMU), Barcelona (Spain); Instituto de Investigación en Educación (IEE), Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural de Xalapa (Mexico); University of Buenos Aires (UBA); Instituto de Planejamento Urbano e Regional (NIEM), Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and the Escola de Artes e Ciencias Humanas (EACH) of the Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil) or the Universidad de La Laguna (ULL).
She has experience in the participation of 2 research projects belonging to the H2020 Program: INCASI-H2020 and Welcoming Spaces-H2020 and a JPI (PCI2021-121924). She has been part of the working team of 5 research projects of the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation (FEM2015-6714R, FEM2011-26210, PSI2008-0436S, EJ2007-63179, ), a state project of the AECID and three of the Xunta de Galicia.
Her publications are the following:
Alonso-Pardo, P., Oso, L. & Santaballa, L. Newcomers and ‘Roots Migrants’: Chain Migrations and the Revitalization of Rural Shrinking Areas in Spain;
Alonso Pardo, P.; Diz, C. (2021) The adolescent city: school, daily life and uses of time and space in autochthonous migrant students of Compulsory Secondary Education;
Alonso Pardo, P. (2021): Migration experiences before the mirror of the state;
Alonso, P. (2014) The impact of educational policies on the formative career of young Moroccans. In Natalia Ribas Mateos and Sofia Laiz (eds.) Adolescent Mobilities. Emerging theoretical elements in the route between Morocco and Europe. Barcelona: Bellaterra;
Alonso Pardo, P.; Varela Crespo, L. and Teijeiro Bóo, Y. (2011): The value of time in educational processes of integration and social inclusion, Educación Social. Revista de Intervención Socioeducativa. Barcelona. Págs. 74-83. ISSN: 1135-8629;
Alonso, P.; Villares Varela, M. (2009): Ethnic entrepreneurship in A Coruña: socio-spatial networks of its settlement from urban ethnography. Zainak, Global Cities and Local Cultures. Donostia. Pp. Vol. 32, 1185-1207. ISBN: 978-84-84-8419-187-2 (Volume II); 978-84-8419-189-6 (O.C.).

Concepción Carrasco
PhD in Economics and Business Administration, University of Alcalá, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Concepción holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Alcalá with the thesis Labour Markets of Economic Immigrants (1998). She has been a lecturer in the Department of Economics and Economic History of the University of Alcalá, Sociology, since 1999, and currently teaches the following subjects: economic sociology and sociology of education. First IMSERSO Research Award 1998 for his doctoral thesis. She also received the IMSERSO Award on its 25th anniversary as a distinction for her continued work in favour of immigrants and refugees. She has been Manager of Red Acoge-Federación de Asociaciones Pro Inmigrantes for ten years. His line of research is focused on the phenomenon of immigration and its socio-economic projection in Spain, specifically: economic and social impact, social protection, associations and education.

Carlos Lubián
Carlos Lubián is Assistant Professor PhD in Sociology at the University of Santiago de Compostela. PhD in Sociology specialising in Migration Studies (UGR-UJA-UPO) and winner of the “Enrique Fuentes Quintana” Prize awarded by the FUNCAS institution for his PhD thesis entitled “School segregation and family strategies of school choice: the immigrant population in the school context of Granada (2021)”.
In the field of research, her main lines of research are framed in the migratory trajectories linked to educational inequalities, specifically on the factors that affect school segregation by national origin. In this context, she has carried out research stays at the University of Santiago de Chile and Indiana University in Bloomington, USA. He has participated in different research projects focused on educational and labour trajectories (DINAMOS), inequality in access to bilingual schools (EQUIBIL) or the phenomenon of rural depopulation (WELCOMING SPACES), among others. He is the author of several publications related to these issues. Finally, he is a reviewer for several high impact scientific journals and associate editor of the international journal “Education Policy Analysis Archives”.

Tina Magazzini
Tina Magazzini is a Maria Zambrano Researcher at the Faculty of Sociology. She works mainly on migration, categories of belonging and minority representation, and co-teaches History and Theory of Migratory Movements in the Master programme Social Policies and Community Intervention (MOPS).
Her research focuses on inclusion/ exclusion policies from a comparative perspective, anti-discrimination, and the relationship between majorities, minorities and states. She is particularly interested in how categories of belonging are created, maintained, and institutionalized in different settings.
Tina holds a degree in Political Science (University of Florence), a MA in International Relations (CCNY) and a PhD in Human Rights (University of Deusto, cum laude and international mention). She carried out her PhD in the framework of a Marie Curie programme, and with other members later co-founded INTEGRIM Lab, a non-profit organisation that provides evidence-based research on migration, integration and social justice.
Her publications include journal articles in International Migration; Journal of Intercultural Studies; Policy & Politics; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Religion, State and Society; the Journal of Migration Studies, as well as s with Routledge, Springer and Palgrave.
Previously to joining the UDC she was based at the European University Institute, where between 2018 and 2022 she co-led the H2020 project GREASE with Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou. Outside academia she has worked with UNESCO, UNDP, the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the European Anti-Racism Network (ENAR) on social inclusion and cultural diversity. She also contributes to public scholarship platforms (openDemocracy, Religion & Diplomacy, Policy & Politics blog) and collaborates with filmmakers, photographers and documentary film festivals such as Film Geographies and Middle East Now. Since 2019, she has been included in #100esperte, a database of Italian experts on international politics developed by the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) with the support of the European Commission, that aims at modernizing media language that neglects women as experts.

David Ernesto Oshige
David Oshige Adams is hired as a pre-doctoral researcher by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in the Faculty of Humanities in the framework of the Santander-USC Grant. He is conducting research for his doctoral thesis on the life trajectories and perceptions of wellbeing of people who have migrated to Galicia from Peru.
Educated at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, he graduated in 2004 with a Bachelor’s degree in Arts and Human Sciences with a major in Archaeology; he then did his thesis in the Peruvian highlands to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology in 2010; and later in 2015 he obtained a Master’s degree in Sociology with a thesis on waste pickers in Metropolitan Lima.
In 2021 she studied for a Master’s degree in International Solidarity Action and Social Inclusion at the Carlos III University of Madrid and since 2022 she has been working on her PhD in Cultural Studies: Memory, Identity, Territory and Language.

María Villares – Varela
María Villares-Varela is Lecturer/Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology at the University of Southampton (UK), and Research Associate at the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME), Birmingham (UK), and at the International Migration Institute Network (IMI-n), University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
Her work has focused on two main lines of research: the incorporation of migrants into the labour market as small entrepreneurs in Spain and the UK, with a special interest in the influence of social class and gender on their work experiences; and the intersection between migration policy and mobility processes. She is currently researching the influence of religious organisations on the entrepreneurial support of new migrants in neoliberal and austerity contexts with a project funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust. She has published her research in a number of leading international journals, including Sociology; Work, Employment and Society; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Urban Studies and Population and Development Review.