Paloma Moré Corral

Associate Professor

Paloma Moré Corral is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Sociology at the University of A Coruña. She has been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Aix-Marseille (France) at the Laboratory of Excellence Studies on the Mediterranean Region (LABEXMED). She has a six-year research period (2012-2018).

Her doctoral thesis (2015, Universidad Complutense de Madrid) analysed the different care jobs for the elderly in Spain and France and has been published under the title “Migraciones y trabajo con personas mayores en las grandes ciudades” (2017) in the collection Monografías del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.

Her main lines of research are the social organisation of care; work and care ethics; social welfare and care policies; gender, international migration, care work and life course; ageing processes and mobilities; dynamics of transnational social protection; precariousness in labour markets. Specifically, her latest research focuses on analysing the care sector in residential centres for the elderly and the intermediation of agencies and digital platforms in domestic employment.

Since she started her PhD in 2010, she has participated as a research or work team in 7 projects funded in competitive calls at state or European level, including 4 projects of the Spanish State Research Plan. Her latest publications include: “Home care for profit: Intermediary agencies and digital platforms brokering migrant women’s labour in Spain” (2024. Curreny Sociology; with R. Martínez-Buján). “Migration, ageing and transnational care arrangements of Ecuadorian care workers in Spain” (2021. Population, Space and Place). “Migrations, care work and social risks: the contradictions of welfare in the context of Covid-19” (2021. Migraciones; with R. Martínez-Buján). “Cuidados y crisis del coronavirus: el trabajo invisible que sostiene la vida” (2020. Revista Española de Sociología).

She has carried out research stays in: CIRCLE (Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities, University of Leeds); COMPAS (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford); CRESPPA-GTM (Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris, CNRS).

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