Antía Domínguez Rodríguez

Assistant Professor

Antía Domínguez Rodríguez is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Communication Sciences at the Universidade da Coruña. She also works with the OPIK – Social Determinants of Health and Demographic Change research group at the Universidad del País Vasco.

With a background in sociology and statistics, she specialised in demography during her Master’s Degree in Regional and Population Studies at the Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (CED) and the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). She was subsequently awarded a PhD in Demography from the CED (UAB) for her thesis ‘Salud, género y educación en la transición a la jubilación’ [Health, gender and education in the transition to retirement], which was supported by an FPI grant linked to the project ‘Incentives to Prolong Working Life: Health, Training and Living Arrangements’ (CSO2013-48042-R) and received an international mention. Prior to this, she worked in the field of development cooperation and continues to collaborate with various NGOs and other organisations in this area.

Her research focuses on demography, population ageing, the labour market, health and social disparities, all from a gender perspective. Her publications include:

‘Covid-19 y salud infantil: el confinamiento y su impacto según profesionales de la infancia’ (2020) Rev Esp Salud Pública;

‘Educational Inequalities in Life and Healthy Life Expectancies among the 50-Plus in Spain’ (2020) Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health;

‘La pensión pública de jubilación en España: una triple discriminación de género’ (2020) Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas;

‘Desigualdades sociales en salud en población mayor: una aportación desde la salud pública al debate sobre el retraso de la edad de jubilación en España’. (2017) Gaceta Sanitaria.