Tina Magazzini

Postdoctoral Researcher María Zambrano

Tina Magazzini is a Maria Zambrano Researcher at the Faculty of Sociology. She works mainly on migration, categories of belonging and minority representation, and co-teaches History and Theory of Migratory Movements in the Master programme Social Policies and Community Intervention (MOPS).

Her research focuses on inclusion/ exclusion policies from a comparative perspective, anti-discrimination, and the relationship between majorities, minorities and states. She is particularly interested in how categories of belonging are created, maintained, and institutionalized in different settings.

Tina holds a degree in Political Science (University of Florence), a MA in International Relations (CCNY) and a PhD in Human Rights (University of Deusto, cum laude and international mention). She carried out her PhD in the framework of a Marie Curie programme, and with other members later co-founded INTEGRIM Lab, a non-profit organisation that provides evidence-based research on migration, integration and social justice.

Her publications include journal articles in International Migration; Journal of Intercultural Studies; Policy & Politics; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Religion, State and Society; the Journal of Migration Studies, as well as s with Routledge, Springer and Palgrave.

Previously to joining the UDC she was based at the European University Institute, where between 2018 and 2022 she co-led the H2020 project GREASE with Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou. Outside academia she has worked with UNESCO, UNDP, the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the European Anti-Racism Network (ENAR) on social inclusion and cultural diversity. She also contributes to public scholarship platforms (openDemocracy, Religion & Diplomacy, Policy & Politics blog) and collaborates with filmmakers, photographers and documentary film festivals such as Film Geographies and Middle East Now. Since 2019, she has been included in #100esperte, a database of Italian experts on international politics developed by the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) with the support of the European Commission, that aims at modernizing media language that neglects women as experts.



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