Montserrat Golías Pérez

Assistant Professor

PhD in Sociology and Master’s Degree in International Migration, specialising in migration policies, research and intercultural mediation. She has been part of ESOMI since its foundation, participating in more than thirty competitive research projects and transfer contracts (regional, state and European) and has one six-year research period. Since 2015 she has been teaching in the Department of Sociology and Communication Sciences at the University of A Coruña, where she is Associate Professor.

In the field of academic-teaching management, she has held different positions in the Faculty of Sociology of the UDC: Vice-Dean of Quality (2019-2021), Academic Secretary (2017-2019), Coordinator of the Degree in Sociology (2021), Coordinator of the Tutorial Action Plan (2017-2021) and Equality Representative (2020-2023).    She has also been a member of the Green Campus Committee of the Faculty of Sociology (2018-2021) and of the Teaching Innovation Group “ConCienciaSocial” on sustainability and social responsibility. Among the various actions carried out, it is worth highlighting the experience of collaborative self-construction published in the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education: Martinez-Buján, R., Santiago-Gómez, E., Diz, C., Cortes-Vazquez, J.A. and Golías, M. (2020), “Campus greening from social sciences: emerging formulas on social responsibility and teaching innovation”, Vol. 21 No. 7, pp. 1545-1561.

She obtained her PhD degree (2014) in the Department of Sociology and Administration Sciences of the UDC, obtaining the qualification of Outstanding cum laude unanimously. Her thesis, supervised by Professor of Sociology Antonio Izquierdo, analyses migratory flows as a consequence of the shock wave of historical migrations. It focuses on the study of the transmission of a double legacy within migrant families from generation to generation.  The material one, which takes the form of the legal link to Spain, i.e. Spanish nationality, which offers rights and extends mobility; and the symbolic one, the identity received through historical and family memory, the memory of emigration due to necessity and political persecution. In this confluence between mobilities and historical memory, her book Los Herederos de la Ciudadanía (Editorial Icaria, 2017) stands out, in addition to the chapters “Argentina. La Ley de Nietos” and “Cuba. Migraciones de Ida y Vuelta”, included in the collaborative work Izquierdo (Ed., 2011) La Migración de la Memoria Histórica published by Bellaterra; or “The Grandchildren of Galicia: Lived and Imagined Citizenship” in DePalma, R., Pérez-Caramés, A. (eds) Galician Migrations: A Case Study of Emerging Super-diversity. Migration, Minorities and Modernity, vol 3. Springer, Cham. She has spent time at international research centres, most recently at the Gino Germani Research Institute of the University of Buenos Aires in the framework of the INCASI Project.  She currently incorporates the study of intra-European mobilities from an intersectional perspective, leading together with Anastasia Bermúdez (University of Seville), the project “Intersecting crises post-2020 and impact on intra-EU (im)mobilities: Spanish transmigrants’ labour and family strategies” (Knowledge Generation Projects 2022, State Knowledge Generation Sub-Programme. Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Research Agency).

In the field of transfer, it has participated in research contracts with various institutions, among which we can highlight the study “Mareas de Pluralismo”, on Religious Minorities in Galicia (Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation) or the Pilot Report on the Gender Pay Gap in Spanish Public Universities (Ministry of Universities and ANECA). We also add collaborations with the third sector, such as the Impact of Migrations in Galicia (Ecos do Sur) and Cruce de Caminos (CEPAIM) both directed by Laura Oso and focused on rural and depopulated areas.

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