
Raquel Martínez Buján


Assistant Professor

Antonio Izquierdo

Full Professor of Sociology

Diego López de Lera

Associate Professor

Laura Oso

Full Profesor

Obdulia Taboadela

PhD in Sociology and Postgraduate Diploma in Social Responsibility and Innovation

Antía Pérez  Caramés

Assistant Professor

Belén Fernández Suárez

Associate Professor

Montserrat Golías

Associate Professor

Mónica Ferrín

InTalent and Ramón & Cajal Researcher

Cristina Blanco Sío-López

María Zambrano Senior Distinguished Researcher

Matilde Massó

Associate Professor

Tina Magazzini

Postdoctoral Researcher María Zambrano

Paloma Moré

Associate Professor

Carlos Diz

Assistant Professor

Eleder Piñeiro Aguiar

Assitant Professor

Antía Domínguez

Assistant Professor

Keina Espiñeira

Assistant Professor

Andrea Souto

Acting Associate Professor (substitute)

Laura Suárez Grimalt

Assistant Professor

Research personnel in training

Clara Bobillo

FPU Predoctoral Researcher

David Cabaleiro

FPU Predoctoral Researcher

Álvaro Calvo Rodríguez

FPI Predoctoral Researcher

Laura Cobelo Parga

FPU Predoctoal Researcher

Yolanda Cotelo Ouréns

FPI Predoctoral Researcher

Nerea Domínguez

FPI Predoctoral Researcher

Antía Eijo

Xunta de Galicia Predoctoral Researcher

Sandra López Pereiro

Predoctoral FPU

Mateo Nuñez

Predoctoral FPU

Raúl Rey Gayoso

Xunta de Galicia Predoctoral Researcher

Leticia Santaballa

Research support technician

Noelia Teijeiro

FPI Predoctoral

Paula Varela

Xunta de Galicia Predoctoral Researcher

Technical support